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This site uses cookies. We use cookies to personalize content and ads, provide social networking features, and analyze traffic. We also provide our social media, advertising and analytics partners with information about how you use our website. They may combine it with other information you provide or collect through your use of their services.

What are internet cookies?

Cookies are files that store information about you, your web browser and your behavior on the Internet. They are very small files stored on your PC or device that can be used by websites or web applications to adjust your online experience.

What do cookies do?

Cookies are transmitted between a sender (usually a website or web application) and a recipient (your device). A cookie is created and interpreted by the sender, while the recipient only stores it and sends it back if the sender asks for it.

When you browse the Internet, the sender is the server that hosts a web site and the recipient is the web browser that visits that site. Their purpose is to identify the user, verify his past activity on that site and provide specific content based on this data.

When a user visits a website for the first time, the server stores a certain cookie in his browser. On all subsequent visits to this first visit, the server will ask for its cookie to read it and load a specific configuration of the website that is most appropriate for that user. You can view cookies as a label that servers apply to each user, then read them to identify users.

This identification is extremely useful especially on websites where real-time user data is critical. For example, when you visit an online store, you wouldn’t be able to buy anything without the help of cookies. Stores wouldn’t be able to identify you and assign you a shopping cart without them because every time you load a new page, the store would see you as a new user and create a new cart.

What’s in a cookie?

All modern web browsers support cookies, which are generally very small in size, around 4 KB.

This is its structure:

  1. Name – the name of this cookie.
  2. Content – ​​the information contained in this cookie.
  3. Domain – the domain that uses this cookie.
  4. Path – the domain page where this cookie is used. The “/” symbol means that this cookie is used by all pages of the site.
  5. Send for – the level of security the connection needs to use this cookie.
  6. Script Accessible – specifies whether or not this cookie can be accessed by means other than HTML.
  7. Created – the date the cookie was created in the browser.
  8. Expires on – the time when this cookie expires and is deleted by the browser.

How many types of cookies are there?

Even though the term cookie is quite general, there are many ways in which a cookie can be used. That is why there are various types of cookies. The most common types of cookies are the following:

  • Session cookies – the most common type of cookie. It exists in a temporary memory until the Internet browser is closed. This type of cookie is not harmful because all stored information is deleted when the browsing session is ended.
  • Persistent cookies – also called tracking cookies. They remain on the user’s computer until they are deleted or reach their expiration date. Persistent cookies are used to collect information about the user, recording his activity on a certain website for a certain period of time.
  • Secure cookies – an encrypted cookie only works over a secure HTTPS connection. These cookies are used to ensure that the information they contain cannot be intercepted by potential hackers connected to the same network as the user. They contain information about the user and are mostly used by sites where users make financial transactions. Because they are encrypted, they are much more secure than other types of cookies.
  • HttpOnly cookies – cannot be used by any protocol other than HTTP. This type of cookies ensures that only the site that created them can use them. Only session cookies can be HttpOnly and do not pose security or privacy risks to users.
  • Third-party cookies – these cookies belong to a different domain than the one that sent them. They are usually sent by advertisements and can store a user’s browsing history across all sites that use the same advertising network. This type of cookie raises certain privacy issues because certain advertising networks use them to record too much data related to users, in order to show the most personalized ads.
  • Zombie cookies – cookies that reappear after being deleted. They are generally used by Internet traffic analysis services and are stored outside the Internet browser because they are available to all browsers installed on the same computer. The reason they appear again is to prevent data fragmentation after the user deletes the cookies. They can also be used for harmful purposes because the internet browser cannot control their existence. Only security products can identify and delete them.

How can cookies be turned off?

Deactivating and refusing to receive cookies can make this site difficult to visit, limiting its use.
Users can set their browser to reject cookies or accept cookies from a specific web page.

All modern browsers offer the possibility to change cookie settings.
These settings can usually be accessed in the “options” or “preferences” menu in your browser.
However, refusing or disabling cookies does not mean that you will not receive online advertising – but it will not be tailored to your preferences and interests . highlighted by your browsing behavior.
To understand these settings, the following links may be useful:

For any further questions, please visit the contact page .

Cookie names Type of cookie First or Third party Can be blocked Session or Persistent Expiry Time Purpose

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