Free parking

Oferte 2024-Pensiunea Poiana Marului Ranch
Strada Dosul Cerbului 453 C, Commune Poiana Marului-Brasov, Romania
Presidential apartment with jacuzzi
Strada Dosul Cerbului 453 C, Commune Poiana Marului-Brasov, RomaniaBreakfast is served between 08-11:00.
The hotel day starts at 14:00 and ends the next day at 12:00.
Accommodation is made from 14:00 to 16:00.
There is the possibility of check-out on the day of departure, depending on availability.
Optional lunch on the day of departure, à la carte menu: In an a la carte menu , the dishes and drinks are written and their price fixed separately. VAT and hotel tax are included in the rate. Restaurant with natural dishes, without preservatives .

Specific hunting apartment
Strada Dosul Cerbului 453 C, Commune Poiana Marului-Brasov, RomaniaBreakfast is served between 08-11:00.
The hotel day starts at 14:00 and ends the next day at 12:00.
Accommodation is made from 14:00 to 16:00.
There is the possibility of check-out on the day of departure, depending on availability.
Optional lunch on the day of departure, à la carte menu: In an a la carte menu , the dishes and drinks are written and their price fixed separately. VAT and hotel tax are included in the rate. Restaurant with natural dishes, without preservatives .

Two-room apartment with balcony
Strada Dosul Cerbului 453 C, Commune Poiana Marului-Brasov, RomaniaBreakfast is served between 08-11:00.
The hotel day starts at 14:00 and ends the next day at 12:00.
Accommodation is made from 14:00 to 16:00.
There is the possibility of check-out on the day of departure, depending on availability.
Optional lunch on the day of departure, à la carte menu: In an a la carte menu , the dishes and drinks are written and their price fixed separately. VAT and hotel tax are included in the rate. Restaurant with natural dishes, without preservatives .