24/7 Support number +4 0722657722

Terms of use

These terms and conditions apply directly to all our services available online, by email, booking form or telephone. Access and use of the website “riesetour.com” is done under the authority of these rules, under the terms and conditions below. The use of the site and the access to the services implicitly implies the acceptance of these terms and conditions with all the consequences arising from their acceptance.

1. Access and Copyright

Riese Tour Castel Dracula SRL provides you with an automatic system that gives you the opportunity to search and check availability for various tourist services and allows you to make the desired reservation of these services by e-mail, by telephone or by paying a minimum advance through a outsourced and secure online payment system.

We offer you free access to the website “riesetour.com” and we authorize you to view, print and transmit information on the website only for personal, non-commercial purposes. The copyright for the information on this site is owned by Riese Tour Castel Dracula SRL.

No material on this site can be reproduced partially, fully or modified without the explicit prior permission, by written agreement of Riese Tour Castel Dracula SRL..

The content of this site, the texts, graphics, photos, software and logos and any other materials present on the site are protected by copyright law and are the property of Riese Tour Castel Dracula SRL or its clients.

It is forbidden to create links with this site by other sites, without a prior written agreement. In situations where this happens, Riese Tour Castel Dracula SRL reserves the right to request sanctions according to the legislation in force.

The website “riesetour.com” or third parties may provide authorized links (“links”) to other pages or Web resources through the website.

The site “riesetour.com” does not guarantee, is not and cannot be held responsible in any way for their availability, their form, content, advertising, products or other materials available on the respective sites.

Reproducing, copying, multiplying, selling, reselling or exploiting part of the services, access or use of the services or information made available through the “riesetour.com” website in a way that violates Romanian or international legislation in terms of copyright author and intellectual property, implies civil or criminal liability for such actions.

Riese Tour Castel Dracula SRL reserves the right to prevent by any means the contact and use of this site and to request sanctions according to the legislation in force of the persons involved if there is proof that the purpose is to destroy or alter the site, its content or its security or the attempt to attack or discredit Riese Tour Castel Dracula SRL through the website “riesetour.com” or its partners, their products, services and employees.

Any possible litigation related to this site is under the jurisdiction of the courts of common law in Romania.

2. Availability of the service

Riese Tour Castel Dracula SRL reserves the right to modify or interrupt, temporarily or permanently, partially or completely, the services made available through this website, with or without prior notification.

Riese Tour Castel Dracula SRL is not liable to the user, any third-party natural or legal person or institution, for the modification, suspension or interruption of the services available through the site.

Riese Tour Castel Dracula SRL can change the content and terms of use of the website at any time. The new conditions become valid the moment they are made public and are not retroactive.

3. Graduation from liability

By agreeing to use this website, you expressly and implicitly declare that you understand that you agree with the following: the use of the website is at your own risk ! Riese Tour Castel Dracula SRL expressly disclaims all liability of any kind, expressed directly or indirectly, including but not limited to indirect guarantees of sale or compliance with specifications for a certain purpose.

Riese Tour Castel Dracula SRL through the website “riesetour.com” does not offer any guarantee that:

– the information will fulfill all your requirements;

– the results that can be obtained from the use of the website information will be correct or reliable;

– the quality of any services or information obtained by you through the website will satisfy all requirements;

– any program error will be corrected;

The user is the only person responsible for any damage caused to the computer systems or network from which he accesses the site or for any data loss, which could be the result of downloading information and services from the site’s content. No information obtained from the “riesetour.com” site or through the site’s services constitutes a guarantee if it is not expressly stipulated in these terms and conditions of use.

Riese Tour Castel Dracula SRL will not be liable for any direct, indirect, accidental, special damages, including, but not limited to, damages for loss of profit, goodwill, possibility of use, data, or other intangible or immeasurable losses even if Riese Tour Castel Dracula SRL was previously informed of the possibility of such losses, resulting from:

– the use or impossibility of using the website information;

– the cost of procuring complementary services resulting from any goods, data, information or services purchased or obtained, messages received, transactions started through/from the “riesetour.com” website

-unauthorized access that led to damage to transmissions or user data;

– statements or actions of any third party on the site’s services;

– any other problem related to the site’s services.

This site is offered in this form, without other guarantees, “as is”   ! “

© 2024 | RIESE TOUR CASTEL DRACULA SRL | CUI 42693964 | J08/1124/2020 EUID ROONRC.J8/1124/2020 | Office: Bulevardul Muncii 19, Brașov 500281